ART exploration

Imagine your own world of whimsy. A place for all imaginary beings.

What will we do? 

Like any inquisitive artist, we will swish, spill, bend, drip, scrap, scrape, smudge and smear our various artistic materials—and we will wonder. As we discover the possibilities of the materials we have so explored, we will learn how to create with them and how to use them to bring our ideas, tales, mistakes and questions to life visually on a surface.

With our artistic and inquisitive eyes, we will practice awareness of our surroundings. We will doodle what we see, scribble what we imagine, snoodle what we feel, and contour the lines of our memories. And, as we dive into this spontaneous, but curated, experience with the aim of developing a visual and symbolic language, we will learn from modern and contemporary artists, and from each other!

Beasts talk and throw off skins to turn into people. A house stands on chicken legs. A tree fairy's arm turns into branches covered with rubies to help her hero. Elephants jump out of oranges. In ink, paint, cut outs, yarn, or else, children capture their creative thoughts and imaginary creatures. 

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